iEntertainment Network

Customer Account Maintenance

Please Log In

In order to protect your account and private information, we require you to log in before you can view your information or make changes. Once you successfully validate with our servers, you will be able to make any desired changes to your account.

This is for any of the iEntertainment Network premium services, such as Helbreath USA, Legend of Mir 3 or the Total Simulation Series

Login ID: 
Password:     Lost your password?
Your Last Name¹:

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our customer services department via email at

IMPORTANT INFO PLEASE READ: Due to a bug in a recent Windows Update, some players may have trouble submitting information via our site. If you are have trouble signing-up, loging-in, etc. please download the latest critical updates from Microsoft.

¹We ask for your last name as an additional piece of validation data in order to help ensure that only the legitimate account holder can view data and make modifications.